Stage 4: Add and delete channels

If you are an ICP or ISP, you can add a custom channel or channel folder and delete any channels you want, such as a competitor's channel. To add a channel, you need to have information about the graphics.

Select channel or category

If you click Do not add any channels, no channels will be added to your users' computers. If you click Add a channel category, you can add a folder that contains channels. If you click Add one channel, you can add a channel to your customized browser package.

You should already have information about your channel or channel category, such as the path to the images and the titles you want to use. If you plan to add a channel, you should have a Channel Definition Format (.cdf) file.

If you plan to delete channels, you must select a locale from the list. The locale determines the list of available channels you will be able to delete on the next page.
Customize your channels category

Provide the following information about your channel folder:

Category title
Type the title of the channels category.

Category HTML file
Type the URL for the HTML file of your category.

Narrow category image path
Type the path to your narrow category image. For more information, see Creating Customized Graphics.

Wide category image path
Type the path to your wide category image. For more information, see Creating Customized Graphics.

Category icon path
Type the path to the icon that will be displayed for your category.
Add your custom channel
Channel title (required)
Type the title of the channel. This title appears in the Channel bar.

Channel Definition Format file on Web server URL (required)
Type the path to your .cdf file. The .cdf file provides information about when and how to update your content.

Channel Definition Format file path
Type the path to your .cdf file. The .cdf file provides information about when and how to update your content.

Narrow channel image path
Type the path to your channel image. The image can be in .gif, .bmp, or .jpeg format. For more information, see Creating Customized Graphics.

Wide channel image path
Type the path to your channel image. he image can be in .gif, .bmp, or .jpeg format. For more information, see Creating Customized Graphics.

Channel icon path
Type the path to your channel icon; the icon should be 32-by-32 pixels.

Subscription schedule
Select a schedule that will be used to update your channel on users' computers.

When specifying a .cdf file for a custom channel, the .cdf file should not contain the LOGO tag with the IMAGE or ICON parameter.
Delete competing channels

You can delete any of the standard channels listed in the box. If you decide you want a channel after you have deleted it, click Restore to populate the list again with channels.